Technology Expert & Entrepreneur
Chris Good is CEO of Bluekai and GSG Computers, Inc.
He’s a Cyber Security expert and IT Specialist who partners with CEOs, Executives, Medical Professionals and busy Entrepreneurs to tame their technology problems, minimize risk and use technology to grow their businesses, human-to-human without the geek speak.
Best Selling Author
#1 International Best Selling Author, father of four teenagers, and cyber security expert, Chris Good is on a mission – to protect our always online children’s future. In his new book, Are Your Kids Naked Online, Chris arms you with insights to teach and protect your children from online self-destruction.
Thought Leadership Speaker
Featured speaker at Harvard, and Nasdaq for his approach to Cyber Security and IT services. Chris Good also presents at medical, legal, financial and professional meetings. He has been captivating audiences with a unique, exciting, and no geek speak look at technology, life and business.
Cyber Security Expert
Protecting businesses is one of the things Chris Good enjoys the most. He also enjoys speaking with and spending time along side America’s top CIO’s such as former White House CIO, Theresa Payton.