Are Your Kids Naked Online Book

About the Book

Our children live in an always on digital world. Pranks and youthful mistakes are cataloged and on display forever. Those mistakes can have serious life long consequences. Unfortunately for some parents, these pranks and mistakes have turned deadly. Suicide is the number two cause of death for young people 10 – 24 years old.

These statistics coincide with the rise of social media and the 24/7/365 pressure today’s kids face to display and live their entire lives on social media. Educating and protecting your children about the digital world is necessary, but many parents don’t know where to start. After all, today’s children are tech-savvy and usually smarter than their parents when it comes to technology.

“Are Your Kids Naked Online” contains real things that you can do to protect your children. It also contains starting points and help for difficult conversations that most parents know they need to have but they just aren’t sure how and where to start.

This book is designed to help parents, grandparents, teachers, counselors, religious leaders and anyone who has influence with our youth, help them understand the dangers they face and how they can protect themselves and their future but still live a fun and healthy digital life.

Chris AYKNO-Book Cover

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